Exercise, Fear and Anxiety Do you suffer from HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPEDALIOPHOBIA? Maybe you do and maybe you don’t, but if you ever feel afraid and/or anxious about exercising then you are part of normal society. The thought of exercise raises common emotional responses; What will I look like? Will people laugh […]
Health Tips
3 posts
Motivation through fitness appsWhat is a fitness app?Fitness apps, or fitness aids, are simply a way of tracking exercise variables in your life. Easy, at a basic level a count of steps throughout the day is a fitness app, an aid to determining how much exercise you have done during […]
If I’m being brutally honest, I can say that I’m struggling for motivation to train at the moment. I’m still doing a few sessions a week, but the creative excuses are starting to flow thick and fast. Before this situation spirals out of control, I’m going back to the drawing […]